Fishing in Season
Month by Month
December / January
The quality of the fishing at this time depends on the weather, most importantly water temperature. If the weather cooperates, Bonefish, Permit and Tarpon remain available. This is a great time of year for shark, Barracuda and Jack, all reliable in the Winter months.
With the coming of warmer conditions, the first signs of Tarpon begin to show in a few of the basins and harbors. If the warm waters permit, fishing can be spectacular during this time. Also with warm water, the Bonefish and Baby Tarpon will make a showing. Still a great time for shark, Barracuda and Jack.
Permit flood the flats during March before their offshore spawn at the end of April. Bonefishing can get very good, especially for the big bruisers. The Tarpon start moving up onto the flats and basins. This is the start of our “laid up” tarpon fishery. Many regard March as "The Month" for fishing.
Tarpon fishing continues to get better by the day, during this extravagant month. Permit or Bonefishing? Its hard to decide, all three make frequent appearances. Fishermen’s dreams do come true, indeed! A sight of a Tarpon taking a fly or bait is as exciting as it gets. You do not want to miss this month.
May / June
It's prime-time for Tarpon. Watching a 100 pound aTrpon track, then rise up and engulf a fly is one of those scenes that can not be forgotten. During this time of year, it is not uncommon to see, literally, hundreds of Tarpon per day. June is one of my favorite months to fish – low winds, tons of fish.
July is a great month to be here in the Keys. A lot of the part-time guides have gone home out West, so you have free-run over the waters. The weather is great and the fish are plentiful. Baby Tarpon are at their peak. The Permits are schooled up on the flats. However, the Big Tarpon's numbers dwindle.
August / September
These are the sleeper months for flat fishing in the Keys. Fishing early in the days is great, with all three of the big game fish on the feed at first daylight. A fly fisherman’s dream; low winds, rolling and tailing fish at daylight. A great time of year for double digit Bonefish.
October / Novemeber
The water is cooling down during these months, which makes fishing particularly terrific all day long. Best bet for Bonefish, Permit and Baby Tarpon. Very few anglers around. Barracuda and shark also are starting to get active back on the flats with the milder water temps.